
Generic API Calls Patterns:

Default HTTP Request Headers



Bearer <access_token>

For all APIs, excluding Authenticate API



Request / Response Payloads in JSON



Optional reference, follows uuid-v4 format

All HTTP Methods POST

All HTTP Body Format JSON

For API Responses:

Note that if you send the uuid in the Request Headers, you will get it back in the reponse body, else an autogenerated uuid will be returned. UUIDs are beneficial for tracing and support purpose.

Status Codes:

  • 200 OK: Call Executed

  • Other Status Codes: network/protocols, or unexpected non business errors

Business Success:

  • JSON Result:


"success": {

"message": "<msg>",

"data": <json>

}, "uuid" : "<uuid_v4>"


Business Error:

  • JSON Result:


"error": {

"message": "<msg>",

"data": <json>


"uuid" : "<uuid_v4>"


Last updated