Search Wallets

Search your existing wallets

API Endpoint

POST /client/wallets/find

Request Headers:

Authorization: Bearer <access_token>

Content-Type: application/json

Request Body

  • List All finds all your wallets


    "page": 1,        // optional - if not present, default 1
    "pageSize": 20,    // optional - if not present, default 10

    // sorting is optional
    // when not set wallets are sorted by Creation Date Descending
    "sort" : { // sort by date, USDT Balance, Tron Balance
        "createdAt": 1     // ascending 1, descending -1, default -1
        "tokenBalance": 1, // ascending 1, descending -1, default -1
        "tokenBalance": 1, // ascending 1, descending -1, default -1        
  • Search by wallet UUID: (previous paging and sorting applies)

    "wallet": "uuid" // wildcard uuid search
  • Search By Wallet Tag: (previous paging and sorting applies)

    "tag": "tag" // wildcard tag search
  • Search By Wallet Tron Address : (previous paging and sorting applies)

    "address": "tag" // wildcard tron address search

Success Response By default all search results are paged, with 10 items per page.

You can specify in your request the page number and number of items per page. Find in response, which page you are, if more pages are availabe (nextPage: true), total count for all items without paging and the total found for items count in this page.

Example Below:

	"success": {
		"message": "Done",
		"data": [
				"uuid": "dd249743-22a3-42fb-8d86-3e27287272e2",
				"address": {
					"base58": "TYViWxHG5wgnnmCMfVfwTvp3KGkRt4qk7V",
					"hex": "41F717E263E541FDB3C69F7F5062D0573EFF8A9760"
				"balances": {
					"tokenBalanceRaw": 0,
					"tokenBalance": 0,
					"tronBalanceSun": 0,
					"tronBalance": 0
				"createdAt": 1697182976392,
				"tag": "master-wallet",
				"username": "<email>"
				"uuid": "2909524c-843f-49e2-8095-003c031b289d",
				"address": {
					"base58": "TUh4w1dUQjKdGrJhEU4MPhWYWxHFHsv7G1",
					"hex": "41CD5CFF89499AD52F3567C22B2435565EF65BCB9B"
				"balances": {
					"tokenBalanceRaw": 0,
					"tokenBalance": 0,
					"tronBalanceSun": 0,
					"tronBalance": 0
				"createdAt": 1696856906560,
				"tag": "secondary",
				"username": "<email>"
	"page": 1,
	"pageSize": 10,
	"foundCount": 4,
	"totalCount": 4,
	"nextPage": false,
	"uuid": "ab6b9cc6-76ad-4f14-8ec3-c88a9f3397ee"

curl '' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>'         \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json'               \
  --data-raw '{}'             

Last updated